Make a harassment or cyberbullying claim

Movie Prop Sites is a service provider, not a mediator. We allow members to create content, but we don’t make any claims about that content. We take harassment and cyberbullying seriously and may remove content where the main aim is to maliciously harass or attack another member. However, we understand the value of free expression, so please remember that harassment and cyberbullying are more than just negative comments, criticism or differences of opinion. We may not remove content you’ve reported if it does not meet the threshold for harassment.

You may submit a harassment claim using our automated form below.

Note: MPS may send a copy of such notices (with personal information removed) to the individual that posted the allegedly harassing content. Additionally, MPS may, at our discretion, publish your notice (with personal information removed) on our Services in place of removed content.

Please note that we will not process your claim if it isn’t properly filled out or if the claim is incomplete. While we typically don’t reply to individual claims, we will review every submission as soon as possible and take action as necessary.

    Your email address:

    Your full legal name(Aliases, usernames or initials are not accepted):

    Street address:



    Zip/Postal Code



    Your site member name if applicable:

    Identify the site that contains content you claim is harassing:

    Identify the URL(s) that contain content you claim is harassing:One URL per line. e.g.

    Identify the member who posted content you claim is harassing:

    Copy the exact content you claim is harassing:

    By checking the boxes below, I understand that:
    MPS may send a copy of this notice to the individual that posted the allegedly harassing content.
    Abuse of this tool will result in immediate termination of my account.

    Typing your name in the box below will act as your digital signature.Your digital signature is as legally binding as a physical signature.

    ***PLEASE ONLY CLICK SUBMIT ONCE! It may take up to 20 seconds for mail to send due to our spam filters. You will receive a notice on screen when mail is sent.

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